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  • Soroptimiste Internationale Mandrosoa Antananarivo et Soroptimiste Turque


    Les Soroptimistes ,sise à Mandrosoa Ivato Antananarivoont été venues dans notre centre Ankanifitahiana le 26 Avril 2012.Le centre Ankanifitahiana avec son personnel ainsi que ses enfants ont été très contents de leur visite ce qui nous à vraiment  fait plaisir. Nous étions très honnoré aussi d'avoir reçu Les Soroptimistes Turques dans notre centre Ankanifitahiana. Nous leurs sont très reconnaissants.



    Le personnel et les enfants du centre Ankanifitahiana remercie sincèrement Les SOROPTIMISTES pour leur soutient qui nous encourage et nous aide beaucoup . 











  • Le centre Ankanifitahiana a toujours l'immense plaisir de recevoir les généreux bénévoles, stagiaires et visiteurs

    2871368561[1].jpgJohanes et Aline sont deux étudiants Allmands qui effectuaient leur stage ici à3397808205[1].jpg Madagascar.Ils ont eu des connaissances à propos de notre centre Ankanifitahiana, il s étaient intéressés par le centre , ce pui les ai poussé à venior au centre pour visiter, offrire leur aide. Ils étaient très content de faire la connaissance de Mr Alex, le fondateur du centre Ankanifitahiana, du personnel et des enfants du centre. Ils ont travaillé dans l'administration, leur participation a aidé le personnel de l'administration pendant ce jour là.

    Le centre Ankanifitahiana, son personnel ainsi que  ses enfants vous suis très reconnaissants , admirent votre courage et votre générosité et vous souhaite une bonne continuation à vos études.

  • Katie's story

    After not being able to get in contact initially with Centre Ankanifitahiana I gave up on having the idea of volunteering in an orphanage during my adventure to Madagascar. However as soon as I arrived at the airport I found out my trusty teammate Kate had managed to find her way into us volunteering at an orphanage. I was overjoyed and from then on I knew it was going to be a good week in Madagascar. 
    I hadn’t given the orphanage too much thought until we were dodging the mud and cracks of the path through the back alleys of Antana. As we walked in all 300 children were crammed into a little room being introduced to volunteers from around the world. I was amazed at how happy the children were, and the enthusiasm they showed on their faces in participating in the song ‘heads, Shoulders, knees and toes’.
    After a couple of days of hanging out with the children and Alex, attempting to teach them English, playing challenging Malagasy games and pinpointing where Australia is on a map, I was adamant about sponsoring a child. And as hard as it was picking one child, it took a long time, however after a lot of thinking, an eight-year-old boy came into mind.                                                                                        
    P3090867.JPGAlex kindly walked me to his house one evening, which was a 4 kilometre walk (a lot for a little boy every day!) along bridges, thin muddy pathways that divided water and rice fields, through villages where the community was so engaged in where I was going. Until I hit a group of smiling children all wanting a look and their photo taken. I found my small 8-year-old boy, whose beaming smile and cute monkey ears. I met his mother, and got to speak to them both in their small wooden slanted home, which I was very welcomed into. This was an amazing experience, one I will never forget, sitting in their candle lit room with Alex and the family, and having a three way conversation of translations to let them know I would be sponsoring the son for his schooling. The mother was delighted and was speechless. Being with that family (as well as all the other children running in and out of the closely connected community) made me feel fortunate with what I was able to do for them.                                                                                           
    Centre Ankanifitahiana really does provide a great service for street children in Madagascar. The experiences I had when I was there are ones I will never forget; they took us in like family members and helped us out from the kindness of their hearts. The stories that I was exposed to makes me look at the world in a different way now. I hope to continue helping and learning about countries like Madagascar and meeting brave and courageous people like Alex and his team. I will unquestionably keep in contact with the centre, and will certainly be visiting again one day soon.

  • Une nouvelle façon pour envoyer de l'argent pour le centre

    Une nouvelle façon pour envoyer de l'argent pour le centre:

    enfants, edlr, centre, orphelinat, akany, telma, Mvola, union, argent, bénévoles, Madagascar, malagasy, parrainer, marraines, amourenfants, bénévoles,argent,envoyer,telma,vola,union, western, actuellementActuellement si vous voulez envoyer de l'argent pour le centre ou pour votre fieul vous pouvez nous l'envoyer par Mvola. Mvola est un autre méthode pour envoyer de l'argent ici à Madagascar. La fondation Telma( un opérateur) et la banque Western Union se sont collaborés ce qui a donné Mvola.

    Comment faire?

    Vous allez dans une banque Western Union, vous leur disez que vous souahitez envoyer de l'argent à Madagascar via Mvola, il vous réclamera notre numéro qui est le suivant: 034 97 627 70 et dès que votre argent sera verser nous receverons un message du virement.Ftl, baby, foot, daniel, fieul, edlr, enfants, malgache, centre, bénévolat, parrain, telma, Mvola, union,

    Avec tous les enfants et l' équipe du centre Akanifitahiana, nous vous remercions très sincèrement pour votre générosité et votre grand amour envers notre centre d'orphelinat et edlr ou bien enfants de la rue .034, 97, 627, 70, parrainner, enfant, Malgache, Telma, fieul, FTL, baby, foot, jouet, bénévoles, daniel, argent, générosité, centre, nouvelle, edlr, orphelin, orphelinat, malagasy, akany, numéro, akanifitahiana

    Nous remercions aussi l'opérateur Telma d'avoir donner à notre centre l'opportinuté sur Mvola pour que les bénévoles, parrains, marraines puissent aider leur fieul en envoyant de l'argent à l'aide de Mvola.

  • Australian Volunteers


    IMG_20120309_104024.jpgHowever long the distance between Madagascar and Australia, that doesn’t stop two recent Australian volunteers from coming and sharing their love with the orphans here at our center.volunteer, love, affirm, affection, offer, truly, second, chance, life, Family, Centre, waits, with, impatience, whatever, specialty, daily, life, know, important, Family, Centre, Ankanifitahiana, door, always, open


    Dear volunteer, I would love to affirm to you that the affection you offer to my 305 protegés is truly a second chance in their life.  The Family here at the Centre waits for you with impatience, whatever your specialty may be, or your daily life, know that you are important to the Family here at Centre Ankanifitahiana, and our door is always open to you!



  • let's work together!!!!!


     les bénévoles nous aides à plusieurs tâches comme donnée cours de Français, Mathémathétique, dance, cours art plastique ect...





     A part l'éducation nous élèves pratique aussi les artisanat